EPCS (E-prescribing) process for Agrace
EPCS (E-prescribing) process for Agrace
Set up Process
Submit CSAR (IT/EHR)
- With DEA information
Indicate pool – CSAR
- 75000198 AGOP E-Prescribing Errors
- 75000298 – AGIP E-Prescribing Errors
- In comment need to request Provider to get added to the Imprivata group – “EPCS Profile in Imprivata”
- Note: MD Template includes access to the RWB
- Please notify Kim when this is completed.
Kim will Email the Spreadsheet to Agrace Help Desk, UW MSA (uwmedstaff@uwhealth.org) and David Bergner (DBergner@uwhealth.org) at the UW
Information MSA needs
- The items that we will need are the provider name, SS# (sometimes the provider’s use this when obtaining a DEA and we are not able to verify their DEA without it), DEA, email address, and UW login ID (if applicable).
- Wendy Garcia is helpful she works at the UW Medical Affairs. WGarcia@uwhealth.org
- Reminder Agrace staff will not use fingerprint
- Agrace IT needs to make sure Imprivata app is installed. This should be included in the Medical Services Group.
Provider needs to schedule appointment
- Must have valid government ID
- Phone needs app installed
- Enroll anytime at the Medical Staff Affairs office (2639 University Ave., Ste. 201). Appointments can be made by calling (608) 263-6601 or writing uwmedstaff@uwhealth.org.
- Regina to add Webex details – I believe there is a document in Fresh service that could be referenced or linked.
- Note: SureScript will disable user after 3 months
Note: Need to schedule a time to meet prior to using EPCS/Oncall with Jenny (Kim to coordinate, week prior)
Medical Services notes:
- Complete EPCS spreadsheet (R:\Medical Services\Private\Provider Onboarding\Eprescribing) and email to Help Desk.
- During the time between the welcome email and the scheduled welcome call, the new hire should be completing the onboarding form via the link provided (Provider Information (plumsail.io). During the call, missing information will be gathered, and the HR Coordinator will make note of any other outstanding items to send to the new hire, so they have a list of follow up items they need to complete. Confirm that the Medical Coding Specialist Lead (Katie) is aware of the new hire so she can reach out to begin the Medicare and Medicaid credentialing process. When the provider emails or uploads documents to the Warehouse, send Grp-Payroll the insurance application and Help Desk the Epic Authorization Form (HR typically handles these two tasks).
Imprivata app – UW uses to do multi factor authentication
EPCS – E-prescribing
SureScripts – Third party that manages the transmission of the prescription. “ Surescripts' e-prescribing network is used by thousands of physicians nationwide to prescribe medications without the use of paper, pens or fax.”
Pharmacy – Note the pharmacy on the receiving end needs to be able to take e-prescriptions. If they are having technical problems then the prescription will not go through
SER settings for EPCS for start up
- To confirm if your provider is set up for EPCS, you can look at the SER in Record Viewer. Item 8401 should contain Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances, and item 8420 should be set to Yes.
- In item 9310/related, you can also see when the EPCS security was proposed and granted. If this is not set up, the Provider Enrollment needs to do that.