Epic Remote Client and SmartUpdate Process
Epic Remote Client
Epic remote client is designed to allow for operation in a disconnected state for patient documentation review and charting. Information is stored local and then Sync’d when an internet connection is available. The client works with/and stores information in five Access databases. The Production version of these databases are located in folder: C:\ProgramData\Epic\Home Health\Databases\PRD
The five databases are:
HHDiagnoses.mdb (SmartUpdate)
HHMaster.mdb (SmartUpdate)
HHMedsAndAllergies.mdb (SmartUpdate)
- HHPatients.mdb
- HHUser.mdb
A shell of the databases is copied to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic\vX.X\en-US\Databases folder during installation. Databases designated as (SmartUpdate) are pulled from the SmartUpdate folder for new and major updates.
There are two types of SmartUpdates
Partial SmartUpdate: This occurs when a subset of the tables in HHMaster.mdb and/or HHUser.mdb is updated directly from the server without copying files from the SmartUpdate folder. The UW has a regular schedule to do a Partial SmartUpdate done once per week (unless a Full SmartUpdate is scheduled.
Full SmartUpdate: This occurs when there are changes are made to HHDiagnoses.mdb, HHMedsAndAllergies.mdb, or significant changes to HHMaster.mdb occur. A full SmartUpdate of HHMaster.mdb occurs with every upgrade and client pack install.
The SmartUpdate directory – the location where the databases are pulled after remote client installation and for designated Full SmartUpdates – is a configuration parameter setup within Epic. Because Agrace isn’t on the same network as the UW, we need to setup a DNS entry to utilize the same UNC path as the UW. That path is \\uwhealth\unc1\Epic\EpicRemoteClient\SmartUpdate. Every time the UW does a partial or full SmartUpdate, we receive a new copy of the HHMaster.mdb file that we need to “process” and move to the SmartUpdate folder.
SmartUpdate Flow/Process (Flowchart)
SmartUpdate Transfer and Process steps are as follows:
- UW Analyst starts/completes the Partial or Full SmartUpdate process.
- UW MOVEit job transfers the SmartUpdate databases to the Agrace MSNSFTP1. Folder location is D:\SFTP\UW Health\SmartUpdate\PRD
- Agrace MOVEit job copies the file(s) from the MSNSFTP1 server to folder \\msnarchive1\itstore\SmartUpdate\PRD
- Deb or Dick executes the Process SmartUpdate Program. (Likely to be removed in the next few months).
- Program moves the SmartUpdate files to local folder and creates a backup copy of files
- Program deletes entries in HHMaster.mdb database for Flowsheet, Flowsheet_Parts, and Flowsheet_Scale tables.
- Agrace build for Flowsheets is inserted into the tables.
- The program creates zipped files for the SmartUpdate databases.
- Databases and zipped files are copied to the SmartUpdate distribution folder. \\uwhealth\unc1\Epic\EpicRemoteClient\SmartUpdate
Remote Client and Client Packs
A new remote client base package is installed with each upgrade. In between upgrades, client packs are applied for updates and fixes. Client packs – usually referenced as CPxxx (xxx being the sequential number within the upgrade cycle) – are cumulative, CP003 contains CP001 and CP002 etc. The UW is currently on a quarterly update/upgrade schedule – February, May, August, and November. Client Packs are distributed as needed with server installation usually done by UW personnel with a monthly scheduled downtime occurring the 3rd Thursday of the month. Client packs are normally pushed to the remote users 5 days later.
New installations of the Epic Remote Client also include an integrated product, Hyland – an image processing application.
Client Pack installs are identified under View Installed Updates. The CP # is at the beginning of the name followed by PRDHOMEHEAL. The Remote Client version is listed above the name.
Epic Remote base packages and client packs are in the Agrace Software Center for HelpDesk and EHR staff to troubleshoot client installation issues.