Test process for new Rover version (Revor software update)
1) Epic releases a new version for Revor. Email is sent and the info is also posted on User Web. https://userweb.epic.com/Topic/320
2) EHR Analyst: Creates a Fresh service ticket to document the testing
3) EHR Analyst: Login to the Test phone that is unlocked
4) EHR Analyst: Go to the App Store and download/install the new Revor version
5) EHR Analyst: Login to the Revor app as a test user and go through normal workflows. Test plan: Client Pack Test plan - Remote client / Rover | Knowledge Base | Help Desk (freshservice.com)
6) EHR Analyst: Review nova notes
7) After several weeks, Epic will release the new version for Rover. Any users that get a new phone (or if they have it reinstalled) will get the newest version of Rover
8) Agrace IT: plan to push out the new release to the rest of the users via the MDM. (Auto updates are turned off).
Prior to the Epic upgrade, phones need to be updated to a minimum version: Example: Nova Note: 760232 Update Your Mobile Apps to Version 9.9 for November 2021
This document lists what version of rover is available, what has been tested and what has been pushed out to users in the MDM: "I:\Epic\Client Pack.xlsx"
Example email:
From: Rover-NoReply@epic.com <Rover-NoReply@epic.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:03 PM
To: jlaseman@uwhealth.org; mvosberg@uwhealth.org; Jslaney@uwhealth.org; PRushiti@UWHealth.Org; tfrey@uwhealth.org; PVerhage@uwhealth.org; spivovar@uwhealth.org; WWittwer@uwhealth.org; RRankin@uwhealth.org; bsteingass@uwhealth.org; Joy Mayfield <Joy.Mayfield@agrace.org>; Michelle Bayley <Michelle.Bayley@agrace.org>; DDundore@uwhealth.org; jhunley@swedishamerican.org; CHandfelt@uwhealth.org; aheibler@uwhealth.org; Dwroblewski@uwhealth.org; JBarczak@uwhealth.org; mmalueg@uwhealth.org; lstroede@uwhealth.org; eseverson3@uwhealth.org; FBrock@uwhealth.org; Debbie Nasett <Debbie.Nasett@agrace.org>
Cc: aweppler@epic.com
Subject: <EXTERNAL>Revor (Rover's pre-release app) Client Version 10.1 Released
WARNING: This email appears to have originated outside of the Agrace email system.
DO NOT CLICK on links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Hi all,
The next version of Revor (Rover pre-release app) is ready for testing! The latest version of Revor is now available on the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Epic's Electronic Delivery Service (EEDS - Android only).
Highlights in this version include:
- Edit More Clinic-Administered Medication Details on iOS - RN 794416
- Get the Patient Details You Need on Mobile Schedules and Patient Lists - RN 795753
- Dose Checking for Non-Main-Ingredient Mixture Components During Medication Administration - RN 804949
- View Patient Lab and Imaging Results from In Basket in Rover - RN 809695
- Sex Assigned at Birth and Organ Inventory Information Now Configurable in Mobile Patient List Tooltip - RN 817114
A note about feature highlights:
Within each release notification, we highlight changes available when you upgrade to the latest client version. This excludes functionality that may require specific server updates. To see a full list of functionality that may now be available, conduct a search in Nova with the following parameters:
- Mobile Apps 10.1 (feel free to include previous versions if you'd like to do a retroactive review)
- Your current server version (i.e. November 2021)
- Your current server version SU (i.e. November 2021 SU)
Next Steps:
Download Revor and test your workflows. For more information, refer to the Rover Upgrade Process, which guides you through testing major and ad hoc releases. As long as no critical issues are found, we'll be releasing Rover in approximately two weeks. Keep your Rover representative in the loop about how your testing is going. If any issues come up, please let them know as quickly as possible so we can look into the issue and work towards a solution. As long as no critical issues are found, we'll be releasing Rover in approximately two weeks. We'll comment on this post when Rover is published to the Apple App Store, Google Play, and EEDS. If you have any questions about this process, please contact your IS/TS representative.
Note - We are aware of the following issue and are working to get it fixed as soon as possible:
- When using a VoIP application for calls, tapping the Call button from an alert notification in Rover or Haiku results in an error.
From: Michael Lohr <mlohr@epic.com>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 6:12 PM
To: Joy Mayfield <Joy.Mayfield@agrace.org>
Subject: <EXTERNAL>RE: Version 11 and 12
WARNING: This email appears to have originated outside of the Agrace email system.
DO NOT CLICK on links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
I forgot to mention it, but the Rover UserWeb topic also posts information on Rover and Revor releases. If you follow this topic you will be able to get updates from this avenue as well: https://userweb.epic.com/Topic/320
From: Michael Lohr
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 6:08 PM
To: Joy Mayfield <Joy.Mayfield@agrace.org>
Subject: RE: Version 11 and 12
Hi Joy,
I’m guessing that you are referring to version 10.1 and are asking about when 11.1 and 12.1 would be scheduled to release, is that correct?
The Mobile App Release Dates has some information on how mobile app version timing relates to server version releases.
The Rover Changelog is also a good place to receive updates on when automatic updates are released, you can favorite this document to receive a notification when new updates are added here.
From: Joy Mayfield <Joy.Mayfield@agrace.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 4:05 PM
To: Michael Lohr <mlohr@epic.com>
Subject: Version 11 and 12
External Mail
Hi, Do you know what month & day the Rover version 11 and Version 12 will come out? I need to know for future planning purposes. I did see that version 10 will be coming out in 2 weeks. I usually do the nova note review, build, and testing and I need to make sure I have time blocked off on my schedule.
Thank you,
Joy Mayfield
EHR System Analyst
(608) 327-7195
Test phone setup: Was given a phone that is unlocked and has access to App Store. I setup an Apple ID with my Agrace Email address (joy.mayfield@agrace.org). Phone has to have a pass code and be setup with VPN Tunnel. Phone does not need to have a phone number associated with it. The Rover/Revor app has to be setup through the VPN (When on the Revor login screen it will show VPN on the top of the screen).
Configuration for access to POC/TST: Forward this link to the phone and click on this link on the phone itself: https://epicproxy-test.hosp.wisc.edu/RoverExtEnv